7. Flexible Working

Employees may benefit from adjustments to their working hours, working patterns or work location, which would enable them to more easily balance their commitments to work and family. The Flexible Working Regulations allows employees to make a maximum of two applications in any twelve month period which an employer is obliged to seriously consider.

Employees are entitled to make an application for flexible working, from day one of their employment. Companies do not have to accommodate flexible working requests if such requests would be detrimental to the commercial needs of the business.

An employer may therefore refuse a request for flexible working on one or more of the following grounds: Burden of additional costs. Detrimental effect on ability to meet customer demands. Inability to reorganise work...

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Employees may benefit from adjustments to their working hours or working patterns which would enable them to more easily balance their commitments to work and family. The Flexible Working legislation allows such requests to be made on the basis of a maximum of one application per year which an employer must seriously consider.

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