Summary of Family Friendly Rights

Listed below is a summary of family friendly rights, it gives a quick reference for the qualifying period and current rates for each of the family friendly rights (with some additional notes). 

The rates relating to family friendly rights are reviewed annually and generally increase in April of each year. 
Maternity, Paternity & Adoption: Calculator for Employers
There is a useful calculator available on the Gov.UK website which can help you to calculate your employee’s SMP, paternity pay or adoption pay – please click here.
Family Friendly Facts & Figures from 7th April 2024
SMP/SAP/OSPP rates £184.03 per week and the lower earnings limit is to £123.00 per week.
From 6th April 2025 the SMP/SAP/OSPP rates will increase to £187.18 per week and the lower earnings limit is to £125.00 per week.
  Qualifying Period Rate Notes
Statutory Maternity Pay (SMP)  

26 weeks by the end of the 15th week before the expected week of childbirth; and average earnings at or above £123 per week.

90% of average earnings for 6 weeks followed by £184.03 or 90% of average weekly earnings if lower. 

All employees have the right to 26 weeks Ordinary Maternity Leave, followed immediately by 26 weeks' Additional Maternity Leave.

SMP is paid for 39 weeks. 
Statutory Adoption Pay (SAP) No qualifying period for leave, but must have worked continuously for 26 weeks ending with the week in which they are notified of being matched with a child for adoption to qualify for SAP.

90% of average earnings for 6 weeks followed by £184.03 or 90% of average weekly earnings if lower.

All employees have the right to 26 weeks Ordinary Adoption Leave, followed immediately by 26 weeks' Additional Adoption Leave.

SAP is paid for 39 weeks. 

Ordinary Statutory Paternity Pay (OSPP) 

26 weeks by the end of the 15th week before the expected week of birth, or by the end of the week notified of match for adoption; and average earnings at or above £123 per week.

Two weeks together; or two separate blocks of one £184.03 or 90% of average weekly earnings if lower. 

Leave to be completed within 52 weeks of birth or adoptive placement.  
Shared Parental Leave

26 weeks by the end of the 15th week before expected week of childbirth; and average earnings at or above £123 per week.

£184.03 or 90% of average weekly earnings if lower. 

There are detailed qualifying requirements that both the mother and father must meet.

There are separate qualifying requirements in an adoption situation. 

Parental Leave  One year  18 weeks' unpaid leave in respect of children under the age of 18.

Male or female employees with parental responsibility for a child qualify.

Leave to be taken in one-week blocks (can be taken one day at a time or in multiples of one day if the child is disabled). Leave limited four weeks’ pay per annum.

Right available to each parent in respect of each child.  

Parental Bereavement Pay

26 weeks by the week before the week in which the child passes away, must still be employed by the Company on the day on which the child dies and have average earnings in the eight weeks up to the week before the child’s death that is no less than the lower earnings limit of £123 per week.

£184.03 or 90% of average weekly earnings, if lower.

All employees who have suffered the loss of a child under the age of 18 or parents who suffer a stillbirth after 24 weeks of pregnancy. Entitled to a single block of two weeks or two separate blocks of one week, which must be taken within 56 weeks of the child passing.
Flexible Working   No qualifying period Normally a change in working hours will mean a proportionate change in pay and/or holiday entitlement e.g. if an employee requests to reduce their hours as part of their flexible working request, their salary and/or holiday entitlement will be reduced on a pro rata basis. 

Consideration will be given to all employees from their first day of employment and who have not made more than two flexible working requests within a 12 month period.

Emergency (domestic) Leave  No qualifying period Unpaid 

Time off is available in order for you to deal with the immediate situation and to make longer-term arrangements as necessary. 

Carers Leave

No qualifying period Unpaid

Up to 1 weeks leave in any 12-month period to care for or arrange care for a dependant with a long-term care need.