4. Step by Step HR
Getting Started
You can use YourHR.guide to put in place a solid HR foundation and to keep up to date with changes in employment law. Detailed below is a suggested step-by-step guide.
The Step-by-Step guide recommends you start with an HR Audit. This will allow you to identify, at a high level, what you currently do and do not have in place. For those elements you already have in place you can use YourHR.guide to check if everything is up-to-date and/or right for your organisation.
The links will take you to the section, pages. From here you can will be directed to the templates (or you can review the template section for all sections).
Step by Step HR:
- Carry out an HR Audit
- Have a good contracts of employment - this needs to be issued to the employee on or before day 1 of employment.
- Have a written disciplinary procedure and grievance procedure - these are legal requirements.
- Have a written equal opportunities policy.
- You will need to set up a PAYE / Payroll and an auto-enrolment pensions scheme. These can normally be set up by your accountant or payroll provider. Make sure you are paying at least the National Minimum Wage.
- Have clear HR policies and procedures in place. These can be individual documents or contained in an employee handbook. As a minimum, have clear rules around holidays, absence and absence notification, codes of conduct (or standards).
- Have a clear job description so you (and the employee) are clear about what they need to do and what is expected.
- Make sure you collect and keep on file an employees right to work in the UK documentation (there are financial penalties if you employ someone illegally).
- Keep employment records (e.g. an employee file - either paper based or electronically). And keep employment records in line with GDPR (data protection)
- Provide your new employee with induction training.
- Document any changes in terms during employment.
- Manage performance through a performance management process.
- Take formal action (disciplinary or capability) if needed.
- Provide training - remember, the better they are, the better they will perform for your business. Richard Branson said, "train your people well so ... treat them well enough, so they don't".

There are also sections to help you deal with day-to-day HR issues, including:
- Family Friendly rights such as maternity, paternity etc
- Holidays
- Absence
- Restructures and possible redundancies
- Leavers
- Discrimination and equal opportunities